Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Magnetic Electronomic Theory
(By Allan Poe Bona Redoña)

What causes the (detectable) magnetic field and its polarity ?
What is magnetism ?

   Magnetism is one of the classes of physical phenomena that is from electromagnet is associated with current of electricity which exerts a force of attraction (or repulsion) to magnet, magnetizable or magnetic substances typically iron, nickel, cobalt, loadstone and their alloys, or from Sun or Earth is associated with the Redoña pulling out of electrons from hot gases or liquid magnetic metal. Static magnetism is detected on permanent magnet and associated with the atomic arrangement that causes Redoña pull-ability of electrons, occurring in ferromagnetic substances. Magnetism is much stronger than gravitation and it has two faces, i.e., the front and the back (well known as south pole and north pole), and therefore a ring phenomenon.
   Magnetism is easier to experiment with than electricity, and yet has not explicitly explained. There are two major reasons why it is so.

  1) Is the North magnetic pole seeks north magnetic pole ?
      Though not critical yet, unfortunately, important to have easier mental acrobat for determining the magnetic directions.
      The soldier monk Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt started the erroneous thinking that the north-seeking pole of a compass was not a south pole but a magnetic north pole, and since then many writers were confused to tell that the north-seeking pole is the north magnetic pole (erroneously leading to a conclusion that the north magnetic pole is seeking the or attracted to the north pole of a magnet, suggesting that like poles attract each other). This leads to erroneous mental acrobat and, as a consequence, delay or even impede the scientific understanding for magnetism. The nature we have today shows us that the Earth's North Magnetic Pole is the north magnetic pole, attracted by the south pole of every magnet (e.g. lodestone), otherwise, the lodestone's north magnetic pole is not north pole (be noted that loadstone and compass' needle are both taken from the Earth).
   Neither the north-seeking pole of a compass seeks South Magnetic Pole of the Earth as popularly believed on by the 2nd scientific revolutionary adherents, nor Petrus Peregrinus had told that the Earth's north magnetic pole was actually the South magnetic pole.
   Although naming the poles couldn't affect the properties or nature of the magnetism, but it can disturb our clear thinking if we have two contradicting definitions ascribed to a single & the same entity at the same time & place.

  2)  The most disturbing, and in effect blocking us to clearly comprehend the magetism, is the erroneous model of the atom, specifically the Planetary Model, which arises from Ernest Rutherford's atom's large emptiness and Neils Borh's orbiting  "planetary" electrons.

    Correcting both of these errors we can have an explicit understanding about magnetism, what it is, where it originates in the atom, and what is this force.

Factual Silicon Atoms (Image Source: Science Photo Library)


 From the scientific picture of semimetallic solid above, we can have a factual view of atom and we can deduce that the electrons (sticks or junctions) between the atoms are dented (pierced) in to the atoms. We can deduce too that the deeper the dentation, the harder to pull out the electron (and, in effect, the higher its ionization energy). For sure, capacitoric electrons are dented into something, and that something is most possibly the pauli layers (concentric protons and neutrons).
With these we can have

as a model for an atom.
The concentrical layers of nucleons are also deduced from these images :

By the model of atom we can have two model of molecules :  (1) the gaseous space-filling model in absolute zero temperature of kelvin scale, and (2) the ball-and-stick model at higher temperature.

   We can observe from the scanning tunelling microscopic picture of silicon crystal that pengraletic electrons between the atoms are having various lengths, wideness, and thickness, suggesting that electrons are stretchable and composed of much tinier particles (which we called ßeta photons), so that the more distant the atoms to one another, the thinner the pengraletic electron in between of them.

picture of Gold Atoms (Source: Science Photo Library)

         This fact corroborates to another fact, that is, the solid metal increases in length as its temperature elevates. We can ascribe this increase to the Bohr  'stretching'  of electrons when heat radiation disturbs or tries to enter in the atoms.
         This particular electrons lengthening or widening is what we called Bohr stretching out of electron due to heat radiation.
          As this Bohr stretching out happens, the atom's sides where the electrons are stretched from reduce in size, as what we can see to a factual gold atom in this picture:

(a factual gold atom in the center has a reduced side as its pengraletic electron are more distant stretched)

Bohr Stretching Out

Bohr Stretching Out of Electron

The Bohr stretching out of electron does not necessarily mean freeing (liberating) the electron from its denting in the atom but making it inside out due to extra photons (from radiation or voltage kinetic energy) attaching on the atom.

Redoña  Pulling  Out

   Another kind of electron's movement is the Redoña pulling out. A perfect  Redoña pulling out is, perhaps, do not have reduced or changed the shape of the atom's side where the electron is pulled out. On terminal (cathode), the pulled out electron can be fred. The supressed reduction of atom's size is exerting a sipping (pulling) force, the opposite of which are the projected (stretched out) balanons or magnetic photons of the inductoric field. The projected balanons are supposed to be the South magnetic pole, whereas the exposed sipping pole of the atom is the north magnetic pole. The external detectability of magnetism during the pulling out of electrons is what we called the Redoña condition. Therefore, in this case, magnetism is a perpendicular effect of the pulling out electrons. If atoms of all objects can have Redoña pull-able electrons, then all objects even those nonmagnetic , can exhibit magnetic property when subjected in to a stronger magnetic field.


       Those westernly directed pulling electrons due to repulsion (of atom's north inductoric field to foreign north magnetic pole) while the positive side of the conductor exhibits magnetic attraction (of the south inductoric field and the said foreign north magnetic pole) is paramagnetically directed. different to this direction (e.g., rejecting paramagnetic direction and usually hundred times weaker) is diamagnetically directed.


    In the case of ferromagnetic substances, the atoms can easily have Redoña condition or Redoña pull-ability    -in fact, 1000 000 times more susceptible than ordinary paramagnetic objects.


      The high Redoña pull-ability of the iron atom remaining even after the crossing of a foreign magnetic field is called remanence for the iron object.


        The  'DIFFICULTY'   for the Redoña-pulled-out-electrons to go back to their former dentures (heisenberg passages) even by applying removing opposing magnetic intensity is termed coercivity. The more difficult for the said electrons to go back to their ordinary condition in the heisenberg passages, the higher the coercivity. steel has this property because its electrons when Redoña pulled out can arduously get back to heisenberg passages, that's why steel has a higher coercivity (or ability to retain the magnetism against opposing force) than iron.

      Iron is easily magnetized as well as demagnetized. steel is more difficult to magnetize, and difficult to demagnetize.

Redoña  Pulling   Out

The electron dentured in the heisenberg passage of the atom when Redoña pulled out causes the atom's magnetic portion to be exposed, protruding south (S) balanons and expressing a sipping north (N) magnetic field.

Redoña  Viscosity

    Although both iron and steel can become permanent magnets or exhibit static magnetism, iron is easier to be demagnetized due to weak Redoña viscosity of the iron (Fe) atom's debye layer (3rd main level).
     Redoña viscosity is the property of resistance to move in to, or out from, the heisenberg passage in the valence layer of the atom. There are, however, substances that are easily magnetized (their electrons are easily Redoña pulled out) as well as difficult to bring back their electrons to their ordinary condition (or they have higher coercivity), an example is the alnico or alloy of aluminum, nickel, & cobalt.

The quantity ( n ) of Redoña pulled out electron per atom involved in causing magnetic field of atom is determinable by 

where   v   is the velocity of the magnetic field,   p  is the conductor's electrical resistivity (in ohm meter), and  Ae   is the electron's electric charge constant per second. The dipper-like symbol is symbol for inductoric field (i.e. atomic magnetic field) in tesla.

   In permanent magnet the velocity of the Redoña electrons is not continuous but cyclic or periodic. This cyclic (distance per unit of time) expended from electric field in the Redoña condition is magnetic field of a permanent magnet.
   The atomic electric field ( F ) is calculable by

                                                  F        =           n    p      Ae    /     a     ,

where  a  is the product of constant  pi times the radius  of the atom (including its pengralet at one side),   p    is the conductor's electrical resistivity,  n   is the Redoña electron's   quantity.

     Electric  field is speeding magnetic field, therefore

                                                  F        ÷        v             =           B

expending electric field in velocity  is magnetic field. Electrostatic      kinetic energy   is required to make it happen.    Restricting it causes electrostatic potential energy, which contributes to the atomic gravitation of an object.

Magnetic Kinetic   Energy

        To move electrons by magnetism, the  magnetic field  (B)   must  possess kinetic energy   (K),   which   can be known    by 

                                        K     =   (m/2)     [ (Q p)²  (B t a )² ]  ,                        

where   m   is the atom's mass (in kilogram), Q   is the electric charge (in coulomb) of the Redoña  pulled out electrons,   p    is the conductor's   electric resistivity,  t   is   1 second, and    a  is  the area  of the atom   -   including its pengralet.

Running  Magnetic  Field  is  Electric  Field

      In electric current, Redoña condition can be transferred from one atom to another and, in effect, running the electricity. If foreign magnetic field is moved across  this electric circuit, electro-magnetic induction exists (that is, the Redoña condition causes the Redoña pulling out of electrons to transfer from one point of the conductor to the other as the foreign magnetism influences it), producing current of electris charge per second.

Electric Current by Magnetism

   This electro-magnetic induction has two portions to face the foreign magnetic pole, namely, the northern magnetic and southern magnetic. as the foreign North magnetic pole moved across this conductor, the southern magnetic portion is attracted and, in effect, pulls in the electrons (positive portion), while the northern magnetic portion is repelled and, in effect, pulls out the electrons (hence the negative portion).


   Ohm (electric resistance) exists along the conductor due to apparently many reasons, one of which is the looseness of the electrons if in the acohaeric field that leads to the Bohr stretching out during the Redoña pulling out or Guericke holding up (electrostatic) of electrons. Apparently, this loseness can be eliminated by applying certain strokes of pressure and/or by tightening the compressive extraction of pengraletic electrons by reducing the acohaeric rays and increasing the arepellic strength. Certain conducting ceramic materials can possess these properties even at higher temperature, whereas for (pure) metallic elements this condition can be achieved at higher temperature near to absolute zero kelvin degree.

 With superconductive condition, priductoms are overpopulating the seductoms in terms of number or perhaps even outcasted the seductomicity of the conducting atoms. If these are correct, then the necssity for body (atom) to body (atom) attachment to become superconductive is lesser important or perhaps not important, and besides of the fact that solid atom to atom piercing in couldn't happen except if there are other solid Absolute Zero degrees beyond gaseous Absolute Zero kelvin degree or except if the atoms inside a solid are actually nearer to one another than when they are in the surface region.
The looseness of electrons affects the atom's length (L) and, in effect, the atom's degree of angle (Θ) toward another atom of superconductivity, decreasing the strength (or speed) of the inductoric-field-knocking of the Redoña condition, so that according to the following formula

Ω   =   B  L   l   sin Θ   ÷    Q      ,

electric resistance (Ω) is directly proportional to, and a change in any of the, product of the atomic magnetic field (B), atom's length (L)  &   increased length ( l ), and atom's inductoric angle (Θ).

According to the equation

Ω    =  B  L  sin Θ   h  c   @   ÷    2 Q      m    ç

the electromagnetic ray  of    λ  (e.g. heat radiant) bombarding the length (L) of conducting atom of mass m, atomic temperature-length constant (@), and specific heat capacity  (ç)   can affect the electrical resistance (Ω), it is because of   the  fact 

l   =    h  c  @   ÷   2      λ      m     ç

that the increased length ( l )  on the length of a conductor's atom is increasing as the energy of the intruding quantum of    λ    is growing  higher.

     Another possible contributor to electric resistance ( Ω )   is  the existence of parallel series of conducting atoms in a conductor or at least  parallel inductoric fields, where which an electric field from one series parallel to another series can apparently induce voltage due to the fact that electric field is a speeding magnetic field. the reisistance (Ω) produced is directly proportional to the electric field (F)  along the length (L) of the conductor, and inversely proportional to the released electric charge per second (Ae), so that, in effect, Sun, ionosphere, power lines, and Earth's magnetic field can contribute to the electrical resistance.

Earth's   Magnetism

     The magnetic field of the Earth is caused by many things but the strongest contributor is the Redoña  pulling out of electrons from its molten magnetic materials, suggesting that there are movements inside it. Having learned this thing, we cannot avoid to suggest that the Earth's magnetism, in some extent, can contribute to earthquakes, prominently perhaps during Earth's magnetic fluctuations in equinoctial months and perhaps solsticial months or during Earth wobbling. Likewise, solar magnetism can compare the Earth's magnetism as the miniaturized, harder, weaker, and slower version of the Sun's magnetism. Nevertheless, both of these are due to the Redoña pulling out of electrons. Therefore, any thing, whether a planet, moon, star or galaxy, that can do or have Redoña pulling out, can exhibit magnetism.

   One  reason why Earth's is a slower version of the Sun's magnetism is because its molten or liquid magnetic substances are more rigid or too difficult to be changed in direction and location.
        The North of Earth has north magnetic pole and all other magnetic materials (needle, iron, lodestone) taken from Earth are attracted to this north pole by their south (north-seeking) pole. Therefore compass' needle north-seeking pole is magnetically south pole (since magnetically speaking, south pole is the same as north-seeking pole, for it is the south pole that seeks the north pole).

Mathematics for Earth's Magnetism

   With constant length, area, temperature, pressure, and electric current, every conducting element has its own unique degree of magnetic deflection when exerting magnetis force. we can jumble these constant and find the unknown value, for an instance, of missing temperature with known constant magnetic deflection, element, electric current, volume, and pressure. This is applicable for solid conductor. How about for liquid, gaseous, and for plasmic conductors or non-conductors? If we can know more about all these things we can learn too many things about Earth's interior, star's magnetism, and so on.

Two Layers of a Magnetic Field

A)Faraday force field
B) Rabistern field

1) Faraday  Force   Field
     The conspicuous layer of magnetic field is the Faraday force field detectable more distant from the magnet's atoms and overwhelming as a unified lines of force, which is well studied. Because of its strength, it can affect the path of the chargedly subatomic particles and the current of electricity.

2) Rabistern field
     A thin  film but immediately located on the face of the atoms of a magnetic object is the rabistern field, which is composed of balanic fields. The external portion of the inductoric field is the balanic field, which is theoretically composed of balanons (magnetic photons) in south pole. Rabistern is the balanotribo field of the magnetic atoms. The phenomenon temperature is an activity of the balanotribo field.
      The balanic field (B), although acting within the range of  atomic distances, is much stronger to float a molecule from an object (substance). It is more destructive than the magnetic field (Faraday force field) of an ordinary magnet, and therefore much stronger than magnet's. we can calculate its strength by   :

                                   T       =     B    v     e    l   ÷   m    ç                                      

in which the stronger the speeding (v) balanic field (B)  of atom's  mass (m) of certain length ( l )  and specific heat capacity (ç), the higher the temperature (in kelvin).
     Temperature is, therefore,  an acitivity of the balanotribo field of an atom.
Temperature ( T ), if acohaeric (hot),

T    =      h  c   ÷    2      λ   m    ç

is caused by the electromagnetic quantum of   λ   attaching on an atom of a mass  m   &   specific heat capacity  ç    resulting to balanic (atomic magnetic) repulsion between the atoms, or , if arepellic (cold), is caused by a detaching quantum from the atom resulting to inwardly extraction of the pengraletic electron.
The atom's length (L) is affected by the attaching photons due to balanic repulsion they can cause between molecule's atoms (if those photons are not repelled or reflected immediately), and  the length (  l  )  being added to that atom's length (L) is calculable   by

l   =      h    c     @     ÷    2      λ     m    ç    ,

where   h   Planck's constant, c  is the speed of light, @  is the atomic temperature-length constant (in meter per  1  kelvin),     λ    is   the layer-strechability-length (traditionally, wavelength),  m   is the atom's mass  (in kilogram), and   ç   is the atom's element's specific heat capacity.

      It has two orientations :   Acohaeric     and    arepellic .

Acohaeric  temperature

    Tribo-photons of atoms are Bohr stretched outwardly if electromagnetic (i.e., heat)   ray is inwardly disturbing the atoms, causing repulsive balanotribo atoms and making those atoms punchy or acohaeric. Acohaeric tribo-photons are what we called heat energy.
    The available measurements for temperature are acohaeric (heat) oriented because physicists didn't pay attention on the strength of arepellic (cold) field.

Arepellic temperature

     Rabistern field of the substance is attractive because the balanotribons are Bohr extracting inwardly due to (1)  outward extraction of heat radiant from the atoms  or  (2)   Redoña  darkening effect.

     In this condition tribons are arepellic or extracting and can have an effect detectably by our cryo-neuroreceptors in skin as cold.  Arepellic (cold) field operates in black hole, too.

    For helium gas, the strongest arepellic (cold) temperature has the Gas Absolute Zero kelvin degree in Acohaeric Measurement.
     For solid we don't yet have a figure for Solid Absolute Zero, but it is possibly below Zero kelvin.
     Probably, the substance that has the highest thermal expansivity has also the lowest Solid Absolute Zero, which is equivalent to highest Arepellic Redoña  Scale.

    Arepellic (cold) temperature is the expenditure of attractive balano-electric-charge per atom's mass of heat capacity, whereas acohaeric (hot) temperature is directly proportional to the repulsive speeding balanic field-electric-charge over a length.

            Magnetism    by   Allan Poe Bona Redoña

Credit   images  :   
                             picture of gold atoms        -   Science   Photo Library/  Physics Today The World Book Encyclopedia of Science, page 15. Verlagsgruppe Bertelsmann International GmbH, Munich 1984, pbulished by World Book, Inc., Chicago, revised edition 1987.
                             picture  of   silicon atoms   - Science Photo Library/Guinness World Book of Records 1990

                             drawings   of   atoms         -   Allan Poe Bona Redoña

Search  also :        Quasmospectrum

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